Keep These Items Readily Available…..
- Large Rubber Coated Landing Net That Allows the Fish to Remain in the Water While Unhooking
- Bolt Cutter and Spare Hooks
- Large Needle Nose Pliers
- Jaw Spreader
- Camera
Proper Release Methods
- Keep The Fish in the Net and in the Water While Unhooking, and Get Your Camera Ready.
- Evaluate How the Fish is Hooked, Use a Jaw Spreader to Open the Mouth.
- Cut Hooks if Necessary, This is the Safest for You and the Fish.
Is your camera person ready? Place your hand onto-along the gill plate, do not touch the actual gills. Slide your hand up towards the lower jaw bone, then apply pressure with your thumb to the outside jaw. Maintain a firm grip. Put your other hand under the belly of the fish to support its “weight”. Hold your breath and lift fish from net, be gentle but swift. - THE PHOTO
A couple quick photos should take less than 10 seconds. If you have run out of breath, the fish has been out of the water unnecessarily long. - THE RELEASE
Lay the fish back into the water with both hands. Maintain control of the fish by holding its tail. While maintaining control of the fish swim it in a forward direction, DO NOT pull the fish backwards. Allow the muskie time to re-gain its strength. Stick around for a few minutes after the release.
by Brett Jolly
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