by Joseph Kappel | Feb 26, 2015 | Fishing, Gear, How To, Tips
Nothing is more relaxing for an outdoorsman studying at UW-Stevens Point than reserving time to go fishing. And since Point is recognized for its College of Natural Resources, it’s not too difficult to find a fishing partner who has a car and is willing to learn any...
by Joseph Kappel | Feb 19, 2015 | Fishing, Tips
In this present day and age, technology saturates our surroundings. It does both good things and bad things, often times encroaching on our traditional ways. Fishing is far from immune when it comes to these new waves of technology. In some cases, it has actually been...
by Joseph Kappel | Feb 16, 2015 | Fishing, Gear, How To, Lures, Tips
When ice fishing, it’s hard to beat the adrenaline rush that a triggered tip-up flag brings. The quick response that follows can be quite entertaining as well. Watching your buddies run to the hole, performing an uncoordinated ice skating routine the entire way. I...
by Joseph Kappel | Feb 16, 2015 | Boats, Fishing, How To, Lures, Tips
Although jigging spring walleyes is very productive during pre-spawn and immediately after post spawn, nothing can beat trolling planner boards or long lining lures in the summer months. Many anglers simply throw on a Rapala, let some line out, and call it good. They...
by Joseph Kappel | Feb 12, 2015 | Fishing, How To, Lures, Tips
For several years, a close friend of mine has been throwing around an interesting description of a technique he uses to catch fish, mostly walleyes, on Lake Winnebago. “Drag’n.” I think Jon Markley, of Appleton, WI, used that term to keep me from copying his...
by Joseph Kappel | Jan 30, 2015 | Dogs, Hunting, Tips
Hunting pheasants with family and friends on a crisp autumn day at one of Wisconsin’s many preserves can be an enjoyable experience. Beauty of the outdoors, exercise, great company and hopefully a wonderful pheasant dinner all create fantastic memories. As an owner of...
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